Life in a convent / by Ora Buerkli

As part of a group photography project we have decided to photograph under the common theme of “Angekommen”. A hard to translate German word, the best I can do is "Having arrived". After much thinking and some interesting conversations with my friend and creative inspiration, Lee Moore it became clear…I would like to photograph in a convent.

In my photographic work I have always been fascinated by religion,  rituals and the life led by the devoted. I grew up in Israel in a secular Jewish family. Despite my this upbringing, I always loved the atmosphere in places of worship.  The serenity, the sense of community, the singing and the music.  

So how does one go about finding a convent to photograph in? Naturally with google.  I wrote to several convents in reasonable geographical distance from where I live. Many have not responded, others did but felt they were too busy to accommodate. Sister Veronika, from Magdenau, responded fast and positively. What luck!  I visited Convent ( throughout 2017. I have been received with warmth, respect, openness and appreciation for my work. I was made to feel welcome and comfortable. The ideal conditions for good photography. It became a common project, our project.

The enthusiasm of the nuns resulted first in a calendar and is culminating now with a permanent exhibit in the premises.  My thanks to Sr. Veronika, the driving force behind the exhibit. Sr. Raphaela, the Abbess,  for her support and delicious food, and all the other sisters who embraced my presence and allowed me and my camera into their lives.